“Motorcycling Matters” - UK NMC’s Message Ahead of General Election

The UK’s National Motorcyclists Council has begun its “Motorcycling Matters” campaign for the upcoming general election

“Motorcycling Matters” - UK NMC’s Message Ahead of General Election

The National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) has revealed its “Motorcycling Matters” campaign for the upcoming UK general election.

The campaign mainly focuses on bringing motorcycling more centrally into government policy by highlighting the positive points of motorcycles.

“Motorcycle sport, alone valued at £1 billion, the classic motorcycle sector and the economically important social, lifestyle and sustainable touring aspects of motorcycling include a range of activities which directly support local businesses and attract international visitors,” the NMC’s manifesto reads, for example.

It also talks about maintaining “rider choice” when considering environmental sustainability, instead of looking exclusively at battery electrics. The NMC says it wants alternatives “such as eFuels and hydrogen” to be a part of the UK’s decarbonisation strategy, and says that decarbonisation needs to “move away from focussing exclusively on zero emissions at the tailpipe.” 

Further, the NMC wants motorcycle safety to improve. Part of this is including motorcycles more centrally in “headline transport policy”, while it also wants an overhaul of the motorcycle licensing system and an improvement in road conditions. On the latter point, the NMC specifically makes mention of its support of the removal of smart motorways, saying that “action is needed now” to remove the danger posed to motorcyclists by potholes.

Other points in the NMC’s manifesto include the celebration of motorcycle sport, which it says is worth £1 billion. Further, it wants recognition of the cultural importance of the UK’s motorcycling heritage. 

“There should be no time limit introduced on how long older bikes can be ridden on any road,” the NMC says. “Access to all highways needs to be maintained and the 40 year cut-off for historic vehicle status kept in place.”

NMC Executive Director Craig Carey-Clinch said: “The forthcoming General Election is probably the most important for motorcycling in a generation. We face a situation where, like 1997, all political parties have everything to play for. With a strong likelihood of a change in Government, there is now a real opportunity to reshape the narrative and thinking around motorcycling and send a clear message to candidates about what riders need from a new government.

“We urge all riders to support the campaign and help to make a real difference for motorcycling both locally and nationally.”

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