Isle of Man TT £2 Coin Launched, Costs Over A Tenner

The Westminster Collection has launched an Isle of Man TT £2 coin, as part of its Best of British Collection

Isle of Man TT £2 Coin Launched, Costs Over A Tenner

The Isle of Man TT is, for the first time that we can think, being commemorated on a £2 coin, and guess what, it costs £12.50.

Rarely gaining the recognition it deserves, the Isle of Man TT is one of the greatest sporting events to take place in the British Isles, and it’s nice to see it getting its place in the spotlight along with other Best of British historic events. The other coins in the Best of British Collection include H.G. Wells, Walter Scott, the Anniversary of the RAF, and the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. 

The front of the coin depicts a motorcycle and rider rounding the famous Creg Ny Baa. The pub and restaurant is located on the outside of a famous right-hand bend, just after the 34th milestone of the world’s most famous road racing course. Once the riders pass this point they only have a handful of miles, and famous corners such as Brandish, Hillberry and the Nook to go before their lap is complete.

The coin and collection can be purchased as a subscription, which The Westminster Collection advises can be ‘cancelled at any time’. Should you opt for this method, the Isle of Man TT £2 coin can be yours for face value - presumably plus postage and packaging. Should you not want to opt for the rest of the coins in the collection or to sign up for the subscription, you can buy a single un-circulated edition for £12.50 plus £2.99 postage and packing. 

The coins will be going into circulation at some point in the future, so you could either hold out for a ‘used’ version or pay a bit more for this brand-new and untouched one. The chances are though, that, here on the mainland at least, trying to find a TT coin will be difficult, so if you want one, it’s worth grabbing it now.